Enhancing Cloudnative Applications WITH Ai AND Ml: A Multicloud Strategy FOR Secure AND Scalable Business Operations
In a multi-cloud strategy, the research for our CloudNative applications aims to overcome many shortfalls associated with processing large volumes of data and information, such as the unavailability of an accompanying AI/ML strategy. The results emerging from this goal disclosed that there are several prime issues in the current research efforts corresponding to this domain area. These challenges are: the need for success paths for developing AI/ML capabilities to drive large-scale CloudNative applications, an investigation into the novel security issues emerging from the fusion of AI/ML and CloudNative research efforts, and engagement for knowledge transfer about these strategic technologies towards practitioners and departmental decision-makers, which requires exploration and updated scrutiny into scalable strategies. We directed a multi-case study design with three cases adopting a CloudNative technology stack across the Australian public computing infrastructure. To increase productivity, efficiency, and innovation, many organizations are turning to incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning into their technological assets. At the same time, corresponding strategies are reducing control and applications for these critical technologies and associated data to the top technology vendors in multi-cloud strategies. This topical paper investigates the confluence of these two application areas: that of AI/ML and CloudNative research, or in other words, how CloudNative applications can be enhanced with AI and ML. Thus, the principal aim of this paper is one of strategic relevance to both academic and practitioner research profiles. Concerning academic focus, the research fundamentally seeks to contribute perspectives that pragmatically connect AI/ML with CloudNative systems research. The research aims to advance the interests of both academic and practitioner-researcher audiences by highlighting fundamental capabilities for the future of secure and scalable business operations.
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