Pros And Cons Of Occupational Health And Safety In The Manufacturing Sector: An Empirical Exploration


  • Bolatiwa Adunni Olokede
  • Francis Ezieshi Monyei
  • Wilfred Isioma Ukpere


This paper adopts a qualitative study of occupational health and safety (OHS) to elucidate its pros and cons within the manufacturing industry. It is based on the premise that there has been so much discussed in the literature concerning the theme with very little to no existence that bothers on issues such as occupational health and safety practices in Nigeria, what constitutes the current or emergent issues on the theme concerning developing countries. Furthermore, it probed whether safety can be guaranteed within the manufacturing sector, while also evaluating the debates on the way forward and extent of applicability in the Nigeria context. The qualitative analysis was done using the thematic analytical approach, thus, relying on the responses gathered through interviews for its inference-making to arrive at the study’s findings. It, therefore, concludes that while it is legally required for all stakeholders to contribute to OHS, it is also morally right to follow practices that advance safety in general.


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How to Cite

Olokede, B. A. ., Monyei, F. E. ., & Ukpere, W. I. . (2024). Pros And Cons Of Occupational Health And Safety In The Manufacturing Sector: An Empirical Exploration. Migration Letters, 21(8), 1005–1020. Retrieved from


