The Social Impacts Of Social Development Programs And Solidarity Activities In The City Of Biskra (2019-2024)
Social development is an absolute priority for the Algerian state, as reflected in the political approach adopted since independence. This approach underscores the social orientation, prioritizes equality, and enshrines the principle of social justice among citizens to uphold the tenets of a democratic and popular republic. The policy of social support has endured through Algeria's various political phases up to the present day. The transition to political pluralism, economic liberalization, global openness, and alignment with the new world order did not alter the principle of a social state. This persistence remains despite the financial strain caused by declining oil prices, which impacted budget allocations for vulnerable social groups during certain periods. This research paper is divided into theoretical and practical frameworks. It examines the concepts of social development and solidarity, along with the mechanisms and tools of their implementation. The study highlights the positive effects of social development programs and solidarity activities in the city of Biskra, serving as a practical case study. These initiatives demonstrate the crucial role of the state’s mechanisms and programs in promoting social development and activating civil society. They have significantly contributed to improving the living standards of vulnerable groups, fostering solidarity efforts, enhancing the urban environment, and addressing various forms of urban underdevelopment.
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