Examining The Impact Of Knowledge Hiding On Project Success: The Role Of Knowledge Leadership And The Mediating Effect Of Relationship Quality


  • Syed Arif Hussain Shah & Dr. Faisal Mahmood


This study investigates the interplay of Knowledge Leadership (KL), Relationship Quality (RQ), Knowledge Hiding (KH), and Project Success (PS) within the construction industry of Pakistan. It examines how diverse facets of leadership, interpersonal relationships, and knowledge behaviors influence project outcomes. Statistical analyses reveal a significant positive association between KL and PS (r = 0.65, p < 0.01), and a negative association between KL and KH (r = -0.58, p < 0.01). Furthermore, RQ exhibits a strong positive relationship with PS (β = 0.72, p < 0.01). Mediation analysis confirms that RQ mediates the relationship between KL and PS, while KL moderates the association between RQ and PS. Additionally, KH demonstrates a negative correlation with PS (r = -0.50, p < 0.01). These findings underscore that knowledge leadership fosters robust interpersonal relationships, mitigates knowledge hiding, and enhances project success. The research contributes empirical evidence on the critical role of leadership and relationship dynamics in advancing construction project management, providing actionable insights for improving project performance. Future studies are encouraged to explore additional factors and extend these findings to other sectors and cultural contexts.


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How to Cite

Syed Arif Hussain Shah & Dr. Faisal Mahmood. (2024). Examining The Impact Of Knowledge Hiding On Project Success: The Role Of Knowledge Leadership And The Mediating Effect Of Relationship Quality. Migration Letters, 21(S14), 760–778. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/11518


