Cultural Globalization And The Homogenization Of Pashtun Local Culture


  • Amina Habibullah , Zubaida Anwar Mandokhail


The root cause of globalization and homogenized culture are observed in the modern societies which are true reflection of globalization due to adopting new trends and updated lifestyles. In this regard the researchers opted for the Pashtun local culture representing as major society of Quetta city. Quetta is the capital of Balochistan and shares its border lines with multi-cultural towns and is also considered as hometown of migrants from Afghanistan and other cities of Pakistan which helped to shape this specific city as a best representative [1]of multicultural society. The aim of this paper is to investigate cultural globalization and homogenization of Pashtun local culture. There are numerous affecting factors which led way road to globalization and homogenized culture but the researchers mainly focused on excess use of social media and English language which is actually a lingua franca and exert the main force to push the communities to modern world. Data was collected through in-depth interview, using interview guide. Primary data was collected from a sample of fifty natives of Pashtu language. Researchers investigated the role of English language and social media in shaping the selected community as globalized and uniform culture through the lens of Social Impact Theory by Bibb Latane (1981).                                          


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How to Cite

Amina Habibullah , Zubaida Anwar Mandokhail. (2024). Cultural Globalization And The Homogenization Of Pashtun Local Culture. Migration Letters, 21(S14), 545–557. Retrieved from


