Baha'i Efforts In The Indian Subcontinent: History, Truth, And Connection To Zionism


  • Saira Taiba , Dr. Azmat Ali Durrani , Dr.Sami Ullah , Anbareen


The study reviewed the concept of Islamic thought and the impact of traditional thought on the Muslim community, and dealt with the efforts of the Baha'i sect and their most important ideas and their impact on society.

The study talked about Baha'i Efforts in the Indian Subcontinent: History, Truth, and Connection to Zionism.: Definition and spread, its philosophy, mechanisms and means of the new world order, These are makes an effort for destruction of Islam[1] and its people, Therefore as a Muslim must disclose its news, and their efforts and warn against its delusion, because this is one of the greatest jihad in the present era, and the delusion has reached one of them to claim prophet hood, as did the Dajjal Baha'u'llah, and some of them are spread in America, Africa and Southeast Asia, and Persia and India subcontinent are considered the greatest cradle for misguided groups, in which secret societies are.

In this research we discussed specially Baha'i Efforts in the Indian Subcontinent: History, Truth, and Connection to Zionism Esslemont comprehensively yet succinctly sets forth the teachings of Baha'u'llah, the Prophet and Founder of the Baha'i Faith. He outlines the religion's early history; explains the religion's theology; incorporates extracts from Baha'i scripture; and provides information on Baha'i spiritual practices. This is essential reading for students of comparative religion.


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How to Cite

Saira Taiba , Dr. Azmat Ali Durrani , Dr.Sami Ullah , Anbareen. (2024). Baha’i Efforts In The Indian Subcontinent: History, Truth, And Connection To Zionism. Migration Letters, 21(S14), 426–434. Retrieved from


