Leisure Time For Unemployed Youth Field Study In The City Of Sabra - Tlemcen


  • Bouriche Mohammed , Benmohra Linda Latifa


Sociological studies have rapidly developed and significantly expanded, encompassing entirely new areas of research and study related to the nature of the contemporary era in which we live. The study of leisure in sociology is a clear example of this. In the past, leisure was considered a minor topic within sociology, which itself focused on the study of youth in terms of their attitudes, thought patterns and social movements. In fact, when sociology studies leisure, it does so as a social phenomenon related to the lives of individuals and groups that make up the social organisation of society as a whole.

The focus of this paper is to diagnose and analyse the phenomenon of leisure among unemployed youth, based on their perceptions of leisure and how they spend it. It aims to answer the following questions How do unemployed young people spend their leisure time? What are their preferred activities?

Firstly, our analysis is based on understanding the perspective of the youth in Sabra on leisure time through the field research we conducted to uncover the main driving factors and to study their attitudes and thought patterns.


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How to Cite

Bouriche Mohammed , Benmohra Linda Latifa. (2024). Leisure Time For Unemployed Youth Field Study In The City Of Sabra - Tlemcen. Migration Letters, 21(8), 479–489. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/11217


