The Impact Of Islamic Leadership On Employee Performance. An Investigation Through Conflict Management And Perceived Organizational Justice In The Heis Of Pakistan


  • Muhammad Aslam , Dr Faisal Mahmood


Background: Islamic leadership, defined by the values of justice, consultation and ethical behavior, has received widespread attention as a potential model suitable for cultural and religious orientated countries, especially the Pakistan. Nevertheless, the relationship, Islamic leadership and employee performance has received little research attention especially in HEIs. Previous research studies point to the [1]fact that conflict management and perceived organizational justice are important factors that contribute to improved staff performance. This research fills this void by assessing the moderating role of perceived organizational justice on the Islamic Leadership and employee performance relationship while examining the mediating role of conflict management in the context of Pakistani HEIs.

Objective: The present research focuses on examining the moderating role of Islamic leadership in predicting employees’ performance through conflicts resolution approach, and perceived workplace justice at HEIs located in Pakistan.

Methods: A quantitative research design was used and questionnaires were used to assess Islamic leadership, conflict managing style, perceived organizational justice and employee’s performance. Participants were 568 employees in different positions of HEI in Pakistan selected through probability-sampling method. SEM was used in the analysis with an aim of assessing the inter-relationships between the variables.

Key Findings: The findings of the study suggest that leadership sharing Islamic values has a positive and significant relationship with the performance level of the employees besides being moderated by conflict solving style including problem solving, accommodating and compromising. The perceived organizational justice thus enhances the connection involving conflict management and the employee performance. In Islamic leadership, there is the promotion of fairness, justice and ethical standards in the workplace, which result into harmony.

Conclusions: Islamic leadership has a significant and direct relationship with the job performance of the employees and that is because it helps in manage conflicts effectively and guaranteeing organizational justice. According to the studies it is recommended that leaders in HEIs should adopt more Islamic leadership principles to ensure that the human resource is motivated, conflicts are minimized and overall organizational performance is increased. To future researchers one should examine the cross-cultural implementations of Islamic leadership in other industries.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Aslam , Dr Faisal Mahmood. (2024). The Impact Of Islamic Leadership On Employee Performance. An Investigation Through Conflict Management And Perceived Organizational Justice In The Heis Of Pakistan. Migration Letters, 21(S14), 228–256. Retrieved from


