A Cultural Study Of The Novel “Jagay Hain Khwab Mein”


  • Dr. Rani Begum , Sadia Kanwal , Muhammad Amjad , Dr. Kiran Dawood Butt , Malaika Ihsan


Akhtar Raza Salimi's novel "Jagay Hain Khwab Mein" is a mirror of the cultural phenomena born from the establishment of the Islamic Empire of Syed Ahmad Shaheed in the mountain ranges of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Hazara Valley.It also show us about the cultural background of Mujahideen's resistance[1] to the British and the Sikhs. This novel describes the existential crisis and the importance of the characters and events in terms of symbolism by showing the components of the decaying civilization and struggling with the oppression of the industrial era, Akhtar Raza Salimi has highlighted the freedom of human temperament and the freedom of personal choice. He presents in an allegorical way that the industrial era prevented man from living as a free creature.                                   


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How to Cite

Dr. Rani Begum , Sadia Kanwal , Muhammad Amjad , Dr. Kiran Dawood Butt , Malaika Ihsan. (2024). A Cultural Study Of The Novel “Jagay Hain Khwab Mein”. Migration Letters, 21(S14), 196–206. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/11174


