Illegal Immigration From The Perspective Of Young University Students In Algeria: The Example Of Oran Universities


  • Hachem Amel , Bekhtaoui Assia


Since the late 1980s, Algeria has undergone several political and economic transformations, accompanied by an increase in the number of Algerians who have emigrated abroad. According to the United Nations, the number of Algerians who emigrated abroad reached nearly 7 million in 2023 (2024ONU), compared to 1,770,000 in 2013 and 930,000 in 1990 (ONU.2014). This number is expected to continue to increase due to the decline in purchasing power and rising unemployment rates, as well as the worsening of the phenomenon of illegal[1] immigration (harragas), which has become widespread in recent years and affects different social and [2]age groups, including young people and especially university students. Young people, especially educated youth, are considered essential human capital for the overall development of the country, as they are the expected return after years of training, education and significant financial expenditure.

This study aims to monitor the trends and opinions of university youth towards illegal migration abroad, using a quantitative approach through a field study by questionnaire in the universities of the wilaya of Oran, the second largest wilaya in the country. The results of the study showed that more than half of the sample had a positive attitude towards emigration abroad, with statistically significant differences between the sexes in terms of destination, in favour of males. The study also demonstrated that Europe remains the preferred destination for immigration.


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How to Cite

Hachem Amel , Bekhtaoui Assia. (2024). Illegal Immigration From The Perspective Of Young University Students In Algeria: The Example Of Oran Universities . Migration Letters, 21(8), 407–440. Retrieved from


