Harnessing AI For Environmental Protection: Empowering Women In Sustainable Development Initiatives


  • Dr. Fozia Naseem , Muhammad Babar Shaheen , Syed Muhammad Najam Ameer , Muhammad Hamzah


In the contemporary world of sustainable development, application of artificial intelligence or AI to the cause of environmental conservation is one of the uncharted frontiers. In particular, the use of AI technologies has a high potential for development in environmental protection, which indicates the possibility of significant achievements in the sphere of sustainability. However, the role that such technologies play in determining certain socio-economic performances such as the achievement of increased women’s control over their lives is still registering progressive research interest. Women’s rights advancement and empowerment is one of the key agendas of the sustainable development and a centerpiece that directly relies [1]on resources. Thus, it becomes imperative to know how AI can be beneficial for women’s participation in the creation of sustainable top practices. The issue of applying AI, the degree of inclusion of AI in sustainability activities, and access to resources provides a rather different view of the technological progress’s impact on socio-economic equality. The present article aims to examine of the impact of AI environmental conservationism on women’s empowerment with reference to the mediating function of AI incorporation and the moderating variable of resource availability. To analyze the intertwining of AI use in environmental protection (AIEP) with women’s empowerment (EW) and the interface between these two concepts, the designed PROCESS Model 14 is applied, using the level of AI integration (LAII) as the mediator and access to resources for women (ARW) as the moderator.


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How to Cite

Dr. Fozia Naseem , Muhammad Babar Shaheen , Syed Muhammad Najam Ameer , Muhammad Hamzah. (2024). Harnessing AI For Environmental Protection: Empowering Women In Sustainable Development Initiatives. Migration Letters, 21(S14), 59–69. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/11146


