“A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of IEC On Menopausal Symptoms And Perceptions Among Menopausal Women At Venkatachalam, Nellore”


  • Dr. A. Latha , Pratima Vuyyuru , Suresh Chide , G Thejovathi , Satyanarayana Bai K N , Pusarla Prasanthi


Introduction : Menopause is a crucial period in a woman’s life. The quality of life declines during this period due to the various problems associated with estrogen deficiency and aging. With increasing life expectancy of women all over the world, 25%-30% of a woman’s life is in the postmenopausal period. Coping with the pressures of modern life and the mood swings of menopause together can be overwhelming Attention to the health and emotional needs of these women is important for the individual, family and community.

Need for the study: Menopause marks a time of dramatic hormonal and often social changes for women both risk factor and health needs are likely to change as women pass through menopause The numbers our women involved are large.Using age 50 as a proxy for menopause about as 25 million women met pass through menopause in 2022 and we estimate that in 1996 there were 467 million post-Menopausal women in the world with an [1]average age of about 60 years. By 2030 the world population of menopausal and  post-Menopausal women is projected to increase to 1-2 billion with 47 million new entrants each year. The Mortality implications of menopause are also substantial.

Objectives: Evaluate the effectiveness of IEC on menopausal symptoms and perceptions among menopause women.

Materials and methods: Pre experimental one group Pretest-posttest study design was adopted for this study. The sample size was 100 menopausal women at Venkatachalam,Nellore. Non probability convenience sampling technique was used to select the study participants. Structured questionnaire was used to assess the effectiveness of IEC on menopausal symptoms and perception among menopausal women . Pilot study was conducted for 1 weeks after obtained the   permission from concerned authorities. The data collection was conducted for 1weeks after obtaining the formal written permission from concerned authorities.100 menopausal women was selected by using non probability convenience sampling technique. Each day 6-7 participants will be selected for the data collection. Make the participants to sit in a comfortable room. A brief introduction was given by the investigator. Confidentiality of responses was assured. The Structured questionnaire and checklist was administrated to all participants. IECwas given to all the participants. It was taken 15-20 minutes for each participant. After that post test was conducted with same tool to all participants. The data was collected, coded, organized and analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics based on objectives.

Result : With context to knowledge on Menopausal symptoms and perceptions among menopausal women in Venkatachalam Nellore in on pre - test, 1%(1) had B+,12%(12)had B, 18%(18) had C, 69%(69) had D. Post test menopausal symptoms among menopausal women,12%(12)had A+, 27%(27)had A , 27%(27) had B+,17%(17) had B,9%(9) had C and 8%(8) had D . The results shows that  the null hypothesis was  rejected and research hypothesis was accepted.

The mean and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test knowledge on Menopausal symptoms among menopausal women that pre test mean of knowledge score was 9.27 with SD 4.77.The post test mean of knowledge scores was 18.64 with SD 3.76. The calculated value of   'Z' test was  2.805 and table value was 1.96.. The calculated value was more than the table value; hence the null hypothesis was rejected and research hypothesis was accepted.

Conclusion : The study concluded that majority  in pre test  69%(69) had  D+ grade and post test 27%(27)had A  and 27%(27) had B+ grade  had knowledge on menopausal symptoms. There is a significant increase in the knowledge on menopausal symptom and perception among menopausal women. The IEC was found to be an effective strategy to increase the perception on menopausal symptoms  among menopausal women .


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How to Cite

Dr. A. Latha , Pratima Vuyyuru , Suresh Chide , G Thejovathi , Satyanarayana Bai K N , Pusarla Prasanthi. (2024). “A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of IEC On Menopausal Symptoms And Perceptions Among Menopausal Women At Venkatachalam, Nellore”. Migration Letters, 21(8), 319–338. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/11040


