Description Of A Miraculous Flight And The Principles Of Flight By The Holy Quran In Addition To The Undiscovered Flight And Faster Journeys


  • Engineer Ilyas Salih , Muhammad Shakeel , Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim , Dr. Qari Muhammad Fayyaz , Dr. Saeedul Haq Jadoon , Muhammad Younas


This novel works on the holy verses is bacsed on the practice of Quran and for setting the dimension of the people practicing science to get new ideas from the holy Quran for serving the human beings. It is never intended for declaring Quran as book of science based on experiments of human beings rather describing it as a book for guiding human beings in right direction for solving the issues related to world and the onward. In the present work the technicality of the flying fort of Prophet Suleiman (A.S) were described by comparing the holy verses and flying machines of current Era. The basic principles of the flight and the history of airplane and the speed of flying fort of the prophet were also described in view of the holy verses. The most important part of this article is the prediction of future flights which are not based on air propulsion or hot gas propulsion rather based on countering the forces inhibiting the free moments of the bodies. This is based on nullifying the inertia by photonic bodies.


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How to Cite

Engineer Ilyas Salih , Muhammad Shakeel , Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim , Dr. Qari Muhammad Fayyaz , Dr. Saeedul Haq Jadoon , Muhammad Younas. (2024). Description Of A Miraculous Flight And The Principles Of Flight By The Holy Quran In Addition To The Undiscovered Flight And Faster Journeys. Migration Letters, 21(S12), 33–37. Retrieved from


