The Toponymy Of Place Names In Tarutung, North Tapanuli – North Sumatra: An Ecolinguistic Study


  • Mery Silalahi , Amrin Saragih , Sumarsih


The research on toponymy, particularly village names in Tarutung, North Tapanuli Regency within the domain of ecolinguistic studies, has unveiled an intriguing relationship between these names and the surrounding natural environment. This exploration sheds light on the local community's practice of naming villages based on natural features, flora, fauna, and natural events that transpire in their vicinity. Such revelations yield a profound understanding of the intricate interplay between language, culture, and the natural environment within a social and ecological framework. A novel theory stemming from these findings is the interconnection between village names and the clans of the Toba Batak tribe, highlighting a robust correlation between ethnic identity and geographical location. Consequently, this research contributes to comprehending how cultural and ethnic identity intertwines with toponymy and underscores how toponymy plays a pivotal role in elucidating the relationship[1] between humans and their natural surroundings. These findings bolster the appreciation for preserving and cherishing cultural heritage manifesting in the form of toponymy. The context provided discusses the significance of understanding the origins of meaning in village names, specifically in Tarutung, North Tapanuli. It delves into the classification of village names based on natural elements, circumstances and expectations, and the founding process. The analysis explores how different aspects such as geographical features, occupations, founders' names, cultural or religious significance, and historical events play a role in naming villages. Additionally, it touches on the methodologies and similarities in toponymy research, emphasizing the importance of understanding local context and history in studying place names.


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How to Cite

Mery Silalahi , Amrin Saragih , Sumarsih. (2024). The Toponymy Of Place Names In Tarutung, North Tapanuli – North Sumatra: An Ecolinguistic Study. Migration Letters, 21(8), 272–280. Retrieved from


