Role Of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices On Employee Engagement: Mediating Role Of Green Training


  • Dodo Khan Alias Khalid Malokani
  • Dr. Tahal Kumar
  • Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Lahbar
  • Dr. Seema N. Mumtaz
  • Dr. Noreen Hassan
  • Dr. Mansoor Ali Darazi



In the present study mediating role of green training between corporate social responsibility practices including Legal CSR and Ethical CSR and employee engagement as well as green training in textile industry of Sindh, Pakistan. The data collected from the textile industry of Sindh, Pakistan. Printed versions of the form are given to workers in textile companies in Sindh, Pakistan, including Hyderabad and Karachi. At first, formal approval was asked for from the HR department in question. Once the proper authority granted it, an official meeting was set up. [1]Out of the 230 written surveys given to employees, only 200 were used for the necessary research purpose because some needed to include data. Structural equation modeling via SmartPLS software was used to test the hypotheses. Findings of this study confirmed that the all-direct hypotheses such as legal CSR and ethical CSR has positive and significant impact on green training and employee engagement in textile industry of Sindh, Pakistan. In addition to this, present study also confirmed partial mediation effect of green training between corporate social responsibility practices including Legal CSR and Ethical CSR and employee engagement in textile industry of Sindh, Pakistan. The research on CSR practices and employee engagement in Sindh, Pakistan's textile sector, using green training as a mediator, has substantial management implications. Sindh’s textile companies should prioritize and participate in CSR. Local social and environmental issues should guide these approaches. Organizations may improve their image and recruit and keep skilled, purpose-driven workers by exhibiting social responsibility.


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How to Cite

Malokani, D. K. A. K. ., Kumar, D. T. ., Lahbar, D. G. M. ., Mumtaz, D. S. N. ., Hassan, D. N. ., & Darazi, D. M. A. . (2024). Role Of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices On Employee Engagement: Mediating Role Of Green Training. Migration Letters, 21(S13), 106–114.


