The Role Of E-Wom, Social Media Usage And Travel Fomo To The Intention To Travel Responsibly To Natural Tourism Destinations


  • Dian E. Harahap , Mts. Arief , Asnan Furinto and Adilla Anggraeni


Natural tourism destinations have been the target for safer travel destinations after the pandemic. The high intention of visitors to visit has shown to be threatened by the sustainability in the natural habitat of destinations. This high intention of visitors might triggered by fear of missing out anxiety of traveling (travel FOMO). This research is conducted to analyse and observe whether e-WOM on social media and social media usage has influence on tr[1]avel FOMO and its influence on intention to travel responsibly. This research also intended to help the stakeholders of natural tourism destinations and mitigate the threats of damage to natural tourism destinations. This study employed a quantitative research method with 340 sample data of Indonesian natural destination tourists and PLS-SEM analysis was utilized for statistical data analysis (descriptive analysis, convergent validity, discriminant validity, construct reliability values, predictive relevance evaluation, coefficient of determination, and the significance level of path coefficients)


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How to Cite

Dian E. Harahap , Mts. Arief , Asnan Furinto and Adilla Anggraeni. (2024). The Role Of E-Wom, Social Media Usage And Travel Fomo To The Intention To Travel Responsibly To Natural Tourism Destinations. Migration Letters, 21(8), 156–168. Retrieved from


