Evaluation Of On-Street Parking At Congested Segments Within Hilla City(Case Study: Al-Takaud Region)


  • Noor S.Jasim and Ali A. Alwash


Altakaud region in Hilla city has a high trip generation rate because there are important government institutions. Privately owned vehicles have increased due to population and economic growth, but inadequate parking and traffic management strategies have stopped the road network and parking facilities from upgrading. Street parking unpredictability requires aimless driving. Cruisers, parkers, and unparkers generate traffic jams, especially during rush hours. This also causes traffic jams. Assessing traffic congestion, identifying causes, and proposing solutions were urgent. Traffic counts and parking surveys followed. VISSIM was used to simulate and evaluate the research are[1]a and mitigation approach, and on-street parking impact on through traffic was examined. A statistical test (paired t-test) of VISSIM results revealed clear insights to help resolve the crisis and persuade city management to amend its parking and traffic management policies. After VISSIM removed on-street parking, traffic volume increased from 183 to 300, and speed increased from 3 km/h to 31.32 km/h for the first 50 meters of the first segment. The remaining seven segments also improved their speed, and the level of service improved from F, E, and C to A.                                                                                                                                             


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How to Cite

Noor S.Jasim and Ali A. Alwash. (2024). Evaluation Of On-Street Parking At Congested Segments Within Hilla City(Case Study: Al-Takaud Region). Migration Letters, 21(S11), 988–1005. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10851


