Strengthening School Coexistence: Learning Ethical Values Through Icts


  • William Orlando Álvarez Araque , Aracely Forero Romero , Bertha Yolanda Botia Rodríguez


In contemporary society, specialists in ethical and moral education have identified an acute crisis in ethical values, which is manifested in the deterioration of school coexistence and the perception of its loss. However, it is crucial to clarify that this is not an intrinsic loss of values, but rather the absence of adequate educational guidance for their acquisition and application. In order to address this problem, a study has been carried out aimed at redefining the teaching of ethics education in a group of students in the sixth grade of basic education belonging to the Santo Tomás de Aquino educational community, in the municipality of Duitama, Boyacá, Colombia. To achieve this objective, an innovative educational environment has been implemented focusing on the use of educational multimedia as a teaching-learning strategy. This research has been carried out using a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope and an educational action research design. The results significantly indicate that the incorporation of multimedia has led to significant improvements in the acquisition and application of ethical values. These advances have translated into a more harmonious and peaceful school coexistence.


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How to Cite

William Orlando Álvarez Araque , Aracely Forero Romero , Bertha Yolanda Botia Rodríguez. (2021). Strengthening School Coexistence: Learning Ethical Values Through Icts . Migration Letters, 18(7), 64–81. Retrieved from


