Monographic Projects In The Promotion Of University Entrepreneurship


  • William Orlando Alvarez Araque , Martha Lucia Durán Amézquita , Sandra Milena Durán Amézquita


University entrepreneurship is a challenge due to various factors that can negatively affect the consolidation of entrepreneurial ideas. Monographic projects could be a tool for its promotion, but students sometimes have unfavorable attitudes towards it and do not recognize the value and professional opportunities of their projects. Moreover, the methodology and didactics used by educators do not allow monographs to be perceived as potential undertakings. Therefore, this research aims to strengthen the development of monographic projects as a strategy to promote university entrepreneurship in the programs of Tourism and Hotel Management, Industrial Management, and Industrial Design, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Facultad Seccional Duitama. The research assumes a qualitative approach with descriptive scope and action research design. Thirty students from the academic programs in question, both graduates and active students, were analyzed. Strategies were formulated to promote university entrepreneurship and overcome the obstacles that limit the development of monographic projects, based on which it is concluded that there is a need to promote a positive attitude among students towards their projects, and that teachers re-evaluate their methods and approaches to support entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

William Orlando Alvarez Araque , Martha Lucia Durán Amézquita , Sandra Milena Durán Amézquita. (2021). Monographic Projects In The Promotion Of University Entrepreneurship. Migration Letters, 18(7), 37–63. Retrieved from


