Beyond Boundaries: Addressing Women’s Rights In Pakistan


  • Dr. Abdul Qayyum Gondal , Prof. Dr Matloob Ahmad (Corresponding Autor) , Muhammad Farhan Ur Rehman , Muhammad Ajmal , Dr. Wajid Ali


This paper, "Beyond Boundaries: Addressing Women’s Rights in Pakistan," delves
into the complexities of advancing women's rights in a country marked by significant
cultural, social, and legal challenges. Despite the implementation of significant laws
such as the Protection of Women Against Violence Act and the Anti-Rape Ordinance,
Pakistani women continue to face systemic obstacles like socio-economic disparities,
cultural resistance to change, and limited political wil. This paper aims to explore
these complexities, analyzing the interplay between legislation, societal attitudes, and
institutional practices. The methodology involves a qualitative approach that
integrates a comprehensive literature review, case study analysis, and expert
interviews. The results reveal legal reforms, economic empowerment, educational
enhancement, healthcare access, cultural change, and gendersensitive curriculum
reforms to promote gender equality. To overcomeabove obstacles, the paper
recommends strengthening the enforcement mechanisms of existing laws by
providing better training and create a more inclusive and equitable environment for
women in Pakistan, moving beyond current boundaries and towards meaningful


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How to Cite

Dr. Abdul Qayyum Gondal , Prof. Dr Matloob Ahmad (Corresponding Autor) , Muhammad Farhan Ur Rehman , Muhammad Ajmal , Dr. Wajid Ali. (2024). Beyond Boundaries: Addressing Women’s Rights In Pakistan. Migration Letters, 21(S8), 1397–1405. Retrieved from


