Urdu Translation, Adaptation, And Cross Language Validation Of Clinical Anger Scale


  • Dr. Anila Sadaf Mubashir , Dr. Faran Ali , Ms. Rida Kainaat , Ms. Quratulain , Ms. Ambar Muzzammil


Human emotions are essential to our continued existence, but they can also do us damage. Emotional trouble contributes immensely to the burden of human distress. Anger is one of the most essential emotions. Anger is usual though sometimes unwanted or unreasonable emotion that everybody experiences time to time (Richardaen & Haluwell, 2011). Stories, myths, and spiritual beliefs reveal the significant and influential role that anger has played in human life since the beginning of recorded history. Various philosophies of human personality, ethical conduct, and the search for insight in human behavior have struggled to conclude the essentials of anger. It is primarily linked to our depiction of personal and societal order and disorder. Everyone experiences varying level of anger from mild annoyance and irritation to rage. It is a rejoinder to a perceived risk to self, dearest, and nearest one, property, our self-image, or some part of our individuality. Anger is an alarm that tells us that something is wrong (Novaco, 2009).


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How to Cite

Dr. Anila Sadaf Mubashir , Dr. Faran Ali , Ms. Rida Kainaat , Ms. Quratulain , Ms. Ambar Muzzammil. (2024). Urdu Translation, Adaptation, And Cross Language Validation Of Clinical Anger Scale. Migration Letters, 21(S11), 935–946. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10839


