Construction Of The City Brand In The Municipality Of Sogamoso Boyacá


  • Julián Mauricio Camargo Montaña , William Orlando Alvarez Araque , Pedro Ignacio Moya Espinosa


The city brand is a territorial identity tool that highlights strengths and values in terms of economic development. However, there is a theoretical vacuum when defining it, as the elements that establish a city brand are sometimes not recognized by the inhabitants of a community, as they sometimes do not specify which of them should be taken into account for its construction, development and appropriation. From this perspective, the purpose of this study focuses on analyzing the research tradition in order to elucidate the key elements that must be taken into account in the construction of a city brand. Methodologically, the research is guide[1]d by a qualitative approach, a descriptive scope and an action research design. Based on the analysis of the research overview and the informants' references, it was possible to establish that there are various elements that constitute a city brand, among the most relevant of which are socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-political factors, without neglecting other aspects of the community's heritage. In this sense, it is concluded that in order to build a city brand it is necessary to generate roots in the citizens so that they recognize the tangible and intangible heritage of their surroundings as a differentiating element from other communities.     


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How to Cite

Julián Mauricio Camargo Montaña , William Orlando Alvarez Araque , Pedro Ignacio Moya Espinosa. (2021). Construction Of The City Brand In The Municipality Of Sogamoso Boyacá. Migration Letters, 18(7), 19–36. Retrieved from


