Women Empowerment: Is It A Reality Or A Myth?


  • Sishina O C and Lijina Vayalambron


Education plays a crucial role in empowering women as it enables them to find work, achieve financial independence, and gain economic strength, ultimately leading to their empowerment. Empowered women can, in turn, empower other women, creating a cycle of empowerment essential for any society. Kerala, known for its progressive social development model, has shown differing trends in women's status. However, there is still room[1] for improvement in women's participation in the labour market and their representation in higher levels of politics, both below the national average. This creates a paradox where women's economic and political positions at higher levels are lacking despite notable educational and health achievements. Additionally, the number of crimes against women has remained a concerning issue. This article sheds light on the unresolved aspects of women's empowerment in Kerala.


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How to Cite

Sishina O C and Lijina Vayalambron. (2022). Women Empowerment: Is It A Reality Or A Myth?. Migration Letters, 19(S8), 1735–1741. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10823


