Unveiling The Vulnerability Of SC & ST Categories: A Dual Facet Of Human Development


  • Lijina Vayalambron and Sishina O C


The progress of education is closely linked to the overall advancement of society and plays a vital role in driving social change. Education is crucial for acquiring employability skills and accessing well-paid job opportunities. Kerala, a state in India, has achieved 100% literacy and is a leader in promoting education and health. The state's progress in the health and education sectors is fundamental to Kerala's development and a source of pride and inspiration for the entire nation. Significant achievements in literacy, infant[1] mortality, maternal mortality, life expectancy, and other human development indicators characterize Kerala's development model. Kerala's complete literacy and advancements in human development have distinguished it from different states in India. While Kerala's success in the Human Development Index is commendable, it's also essential to consider the flip side. Despite leading in human development, some individuals cannot benefit from its progress. This article aims to explore the dual facets of human development in Kerala. 


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How to Cite

Lijina Vayalambron and Sishina O C. (2022). Unveiling The Vulnerability Of SC & ST Categories: A Dual Facet Of Human Development. Migration Letters, 19(S5), 1719–1728. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10822


