Knowledge, Attitudes And Behaviors Of Children In Early Childhood About Sexuality In An Educational Institution In Pereira. 2021


  • Luz Enith Velásquez Restrepo , Liliana Palomeque Tabares


This research explores the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to sexuality presented by early childhood children in an educational institution in Pereira, Colombia. A mixed methodological approach was used, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques to collect and analyze data from a representative sample of students, teachers, and parents. The results reveal that children at this stage have basic knowledge about th[1]eir bodies, sexual differences and some aspects related to reproduction. However, gaps are identified in terms of understanding more complex concepts such as privacy, consent, and protection from sexual abuse. In terms of attitudes, there is a predominance of values such as respect, empathy and acceptance of diversity. However, some stereotyped and prejudiced attitudes related to gender and social roles are also detected. The behaviors observed reflect children's natural curiosity to explore their bodies and build relationships with their peers. However, some cases of inappropriate behavior are identified that could require specialized intervention.


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How to Cite

Luz Enith Velásquez Restrepo , Liliana Palomeque Tabares. (2022). Knowledge, Attitudes And Behaviors Of Children In Early Childhood About Sexuality In An Educational Institution In Pereira. 2021. Migration Letters, 19(S5), 1710–1713. Retrieved from


