Analyzing The Community Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices (Kap) On Basic Human Rights In District Toba Tek Singh, Punjab, Pakistan


  • Muhammad Usman , Niaz Ahmad Mughal , Samavia Tariq , Muhammad Usman Ghani , Dr. Ayesha Chaudhary , Arfan Riasat


This study titled "Community Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices on Basic Human Rights in District Toba Tek Singh" aimed to comprehensively investigate various aspects related to basic human rights. Specifically, the research sought to assess the socioeconomic status of respondents, evaluate their awareness, attitudes, and practices concerning basic human rights, and propose policy measures aimed at enhancing human rights awareness among future generations. Methodology: The study involved 180 respondents from District Toba Tek Singh. Data analysis utilized univariate statistical tests to examine demographic distributions and responses related to awareness, knowledge, and attitudes towards basic human rights. Findings were categorized based on the level of understanding among respondents regarding specific human rights, such as the right to appropriate nourishment, voting rights, equality before the law, the right to life, access to adequate f[1]ood, and attitudes towards following and adhering to human rights principles. Results indicated a balanced gender distribution among respondents, with 50% men and 48.9% women participating. Significant proportions of respondents demonstrated awareness and understanding of key human rights principles: 65.0% acknowledged the right to appropriate nourishment, 65.6% recognized voting rights, 68.9% understood equality before the law, 60.0% were aware of the right to life, and 66.4% recognized the importance of adequate food. Additionally, 50.0% indicated some degree of commitment to ensuring a brighter future through human rights, while 46.1% acknowledged economic liberty. A notable 80.0% expressed the importance of human rights in general. Conclusion, the study recommends employing media and institutional interventions to enhance public knowledge and understanding of basic human rights. These interventions are crucial for fostering positive changes in attitudes towards human rights principles within the community. This research underscores the significance of ongoing efforts to promote awareness and adherence to fundamental human rights principles among the populace, thereby contributing to a more equitable and rights-respecting society in District Toba Tek Singh and beyond.




How to Cite

Muhammad Usman , Niaz Ahmad Mughal , Samavia Tariq , Muhammad Usman Ghani , Dr. Ayesha Chaudhary , Arfan Riasat. (2024). Analyzing The Community Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices (Kap) On Basic Human Rights In District Toba Tek Singh, Punjab, Pakistan. Migration Letters, 21(S11), 526–536. Retrieved from


