Globalization Of ELT Education And Cultural Retention- Confrontation And Opportunities For Pakistanis In The Global Village


  • Dr. Humera Faraz , Dr. Arshad Ali , Dr. Nailah Riaz


This study aims to evaluate the intricacies of ELT educational globalization in Pakistani settings and special concern is given to difficulties, possibilities, and the strategies adopted by multiple participants. This research illuminates the significance of the topic through the application of a mixed-method approach. There is selection of interviews, surveys, and digital ethnography   in this research simultane[1]ously it is endeavored to maintain the cultural heritage. The participants of the study supported the incorporation of cultural fundamentals into the educational curricula and accepted the challenges of competing demands between global trends and traditional ethics. The emerging challenges such as the need for adjustment to ensure fair access, call for the application of tailored initiatives for the development of universal outlook among educators and students, development of collaborative partnership and diplomatic engagement are successfully implemented initiatives in the globalization of ELT education. The potentials of educational globalization are highlighted by the positive impacts that it has on academic outcomes, especially for those achieved through multinational cooperation. This possibility is created by the digital technology of interconnected learning that is known as a transformative role in the process of learning. Thus, there is a more comprehensive understanding contributed by the findings of this research that how the globalization of ELT education is navigating in Pakistan. The implementation of targeted interventions, the strengthening of diplomatic engagements, and the seamless integration of technology into educational practices are all the priorities of policymakers that should be prioritized.  


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How to Cite

Dr. Humera Faraz , Dr. Arshad Ali , Dr. Nailah Riaz. (2024). Globalization Of ELT Education And Cultural Retention- Confrontation And Opportunities For Pakistanis In The Global Village. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 924–933. Retrieved from


