Fear Of Failure In Athletes: A Comparative Analysis Of Performance Fear Appraisal Inventory Subscales Between Sportsmen And Sportswomen


  • Dr. Rabia Amjad , Rabia Fayyaz , Fouzia Sarfaraz


The purpose of this study was to assess if there is any difference in the performance fear appraisal inventory subscales between male and female athletes. In addition, we also evaluated if the overall fear of failure scores were higher in male or female athletes. It was a descriptive observational study. The sample consisted of two hundred subjects consisting of college and university level athletes, involved in team sports. Performance fear appraisal inventory was used to assess the fear of failure among the athletes. T-test was used to assess the gender differences in fear o[1]f failure. P value < 0.05 was considered significant. Results showed that sportsmen had higher overall fear of failure as compared to sportswomen. However, sportswomen had more fear of having an uncertain future as compared to sportsmen. Male athletes scored higher on the other four subscales of performance fear appraisal inventory.


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How to Cite

Dr. Rabia Amjad , Rabia Fayyaz , Fouzia Sarfaraz. (2024). Fear Of Failure In Athletes: A Comparative Analysis Of Performance Fear Appraisal Inventory Subscales Between Sportsmen And Sportswomen. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 871–876. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10590


