www.migrationletters.com Philosophy Of Illuminationism: Comparative Study Of Shahab Al-Din Suhrawardi And Mullah Sadra, Thoughts


  • Muhammad Umar Riaz Abbasi , Dr. Syed Shameel Ahmed Quadri , Dr. Aurangzeb


This paper compares and contrasts Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi's and Mulla Sadra's philosophical positions in the framework of Islamic philosophy's Illuminationist tradition. It aims to clarify the subtle distinctions and startling overlaps in their ontological, metaphysical, and epistemological frameworks by a careful examination of primary texts, secondary sources, and academic interpretations.

Suhrawardi, who is frequently credited with starting the Illuminationism movement, promoted a philosophical theory that saw "Light" (Noor) as the essential element of reality. His philosophical theory proposed a hierarchical ontology in which different levels of existence originate from the Supreme Light and stressed the need for intuitive knowledge (Ishraq) in understanding metaphysical truths. The intrinsic brightness of reality and the supremacy of the intellect in seeing it are highlighted by Suhrawardi's ideas.

Conversely, Mulla Sadra, a later luminary in the Illuminationist lineage, presented novel concepts that combined Avicenna philosophy with Illuminationist principles. Suhrawardi's static hierarchical ontology is significantly broken by his theories of "Substantial Motion" (al-harakat al-jawhariyya) and "Existential Cosmology" (Al-huduth al-wujudi). According to Sadra, existence is always changing and evolving, and reality is a dynamic process [1]of ongoing becoming.

The main philosophical ideas of Suhrawardi and Sadra are thoroughly examined in this work to clarify their respective contributions to Illuminationist thought. It looks at how their divergent views on ontology, metaphysics, and epistemology affect how they understand the world and human knowledge. It also draws attention to the areas where these two greats agree and disagree, providing insights into how the Illuminationist tradition has changed over time.

Through this comparative research, Islamic philosophy lovers and experts are better able to comprehend the intricacies of the Illuminationist tradition as well as the philosophical questions raised by Suhrawardi and Sadra. This research highlights the importance of these two philosophers in forming the intellectual landscape of the Islamic world and adds to the continuing discussions on the subject of Islamic philosophy.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Umar Riaz Abbasi , Dr. Syed Shameel Ahmed Quadri , Dr. Aurangzeb. (2024). www.migrationletters.com Philosophy Of Illuminationism: Comparative Study Of Shahab Al-Din Suhrawardi And Mullah Sadra, Thoughts. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 859–870. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10589


