Shaping Sustainable Mindsets: Green Leadership's Journey Towards Fostering Environment-Specific Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Mediated By Green Intellectual Capital, And Moderated By Green Human Resources Management


  • Saeed Ahmad , Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf (Corresponding Author) , Dr Jawad Karamat , Waqar Munir , Muhammad Sadiq Malik , Dr. Ume Ruqia Saadat , Abdul Hafeez


Environment change is a pressing global issue with implications for global warming, food production, and human well-being. Statistics reveal a substantial 0.85°C temperature increase between 1980 and 2012, reducing grain yields by 40 megatons and raising sea levels by 19 centimeters (Islam et al., 2021). In 2023, it's the third warmest year, with temperatures 0.43ºC above recent averages, and a global temperature average of 1.5°C above pr[1]eindustrial levels (IPCC, 2023). Global warming claims a significant human toll, causing an annual loss of 5 million lives globally and inflicting a USD 2.4 billion economic impact (WHO, 2018). Every year, climate change kills approximately 0.2 million people and accounts for 9% of Pakistan's GDP (OCHA 2019). These statistics emphasize the urgency of addressing climate change, which is a priority in the United Nations' 2030 sustainable development goals (Goubran et al., 2023).


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How to Cite

Saeed Ahmad , Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf (Corresponding Author) , Dr Jawad Karamat , Waqar Munir , Muhammad Sadiq Malik , Dr. Ume Ruqia Saadat , Abdul Hafeez. (2024). Shaping Sustainable Mindsets: Green Leadership’s Journey Towards Fostering Environment-Specific Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Mediated By Green Intellectual Capital, And Moderated By Green Human Resources Management. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 665–695. Retrieved from


