Digital Platforms And Proliferation Of Conspiracy Theories: The Case Of Malala Yousafzai


  • Mehwish Mukhtar , Dr. Sehrish Mushtaq , Dr. Huma Tahir , Dr. Shabana Asgher (Corresponding Author)


It is argued that digital media might encourage the dissemination of conspiracies. In this study we investigate the effects of conspiracy theories which are getting popular with the help of digital media and determine if people are believing in these theories or not. For this purpose, we have taken the case of Malala Yousafzai. She is the world youngest and the only peace noble prize winner from Pakistan. Many different conspiracy theories sprung up after she got shot by Taliban and her alleged connection with the CIA. An experimental survey was conducted with a sample of 485 respondents. Among which 173 respondents were shown a video portraying a positive image of Malala as stimulus while 158 respondents were shown a video containing conspiracies about her thus promoted negative image of her. Remaining 154 respondents were a control group with no vide[1]o stimulus. A survey was administered among all three groups containing both positive and negative statements about Malala Yousafzai. Based on previous literature it was hypothesized that people who watched video containing conspiracy theories about Malala on digital media platforms would believe more on conspiracies about her than others. this experimental survey confirmed that people who watched video containing conspiracies about Malala, expressed more negative feelings towards her. However, these negative feelings against Malala prevailed  in all three experimental groups. These results further reinforced our hat Pakistani users of digital media platforms are influenced by conspiracies prevalent on these platforms and watching any positive stimulus did not affect their already held negative views about Malala.


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How to Cite

Mehwish Mukhtar , Dr. Sehrish Mushtaq , Dr. Huma Tahir , Dr. Shabana Asgher (Corresponding Author). (2024). Digital Platforms And Proliferation Of Conspiracy Theories: The Case Of Malala Yousafzai. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 576–581. Retrieved from


