The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In English Literature Learning: A Study Among Undergratuate Students


  • Kashifa Khatoon , Dr. Shamsa Malik , Dr. Zafar Iqbal Bhatti


This study was an attempt to explore the role of artificial intelligence in second language learning at undergraduate level.  Aim of the study was to show whether the use of artificial intelligence can enhance the language learning abilities of undergraduate students and how much it is important for language learning process. To fulfill this purpose, 200 undergraduate students (male and female) studying in Minhaj University, Lahore University, Riphah International University and Punjab University of Lahore region were selected as participants. An instrument use[1]d in this study was Questionnaire on the role of artificial intelligence in 2nd language learning at undergraduate students.  After obtaining the raw data, SPSS software (version 22) was used to change the data into numerical interpretable information. Chi square test was used to check the association between perceptions scores of participants with the demographic variables. Furthermore, demographic variables were described in frequencies and percentages whereas age was described in mean ± standard deviation. The findings demonstrated that the perception of most of the participants (language learners) is that the use of artificial intelligence in language learning can improve the quality of student’s learning at undergraduate level. It was highlighted from the results that language learners can be benefited from the application of artificial intelligence and computer-assisted technology as a tool in paving the way for the language learning process.


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How to Cite

Kashifa Khatoon , Dr. Shamsa Malik , Dr. Zafar Iqbal Bhatti. (2024). The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In English Literature Learning: A Study Among Undergratuate Students. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 537–558. Retrieved from


