Exploring The Lifestyle Factors And Diabetes Management Approaches Among Women


  • Saeeda Anjum Buriro , Afshan Nazly , Fatima Parvaiz Hashmi , Yasmin Alexander Robinson , Agnes Alferd , Munnaza Parveen


This study explores the relationship between lifestyle factors and diabetes among women through qualitative analysis. Five female respondents from Civil Hospital Karachi participated in interviews, revealing insights into the impact of lifestyle changes on managing diabetes-related stress, anxiety, and social and psychological factors. For this, the study used phenomenological approach for the collecting of the data and used Clark and Braun (2017) thematic analysis for this.

Furthermore, the study identifies diet, exercise, and stress management as comprehensive strategies for diabetes management, offering evidence-based techniques to support individuals in improving their self-care practices. Cultural influences also emer[1]ge as significant in diabetes management, with respondents adapting traditional recipes and relying on family support to navigate cultural dietary restrictions. The importance of cultural sensitivity in individualized diabetes therapies is highlighted, emphasizing the need to consider diverse cultural backgrounds in treatment approaches.

Additionally, the interviews underscore the vital role of social support in diabetes management, particularly during cultural festivities centered around food. Understanding and encouragement from family and friends facilitate healthier choices and diabetes management, emphasizing the necessity of social support in chronic disease management. Overall, the findings emphasize the potential of lifestyle modifications to enhance diabetes management and health outcomes, advocating for proactive lifestyle changes and holistic diabetes care that address the diverse needs and challenges of individuals living with the condition.


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How to Cite

Saeeda Anjum Buriro , Afshan Nazly , Fatima Parvaiz Hashmi , Yasmin Alexander Robinson , Agnes Alferd , Munnaza Parveen. (2024). Exploring The Lifestyle Factors And Diabetes Management Approaches Among Women . Migration Letters, 21(S10), 475–487. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10509


