The Mediating Role Of Professional Efficacy Between Perceived Social Support And Academic Burnout Among Females’ Students In Saudi Arabia


  • Elsit Abdalla Elfadul Mukhtar , Randa Mohamed AbdElhalim Mukhtar , Engy Ahmed Abdel Ghany Mostafa , Hala Elrashied Osman Bashier , Abeer Bakri Siralkhatim Alhaj .
  • Rogia Eltayb Ali Ahmed , Anjom Ahmed Osman , Mohammed Mustafa Fadul


The aim of this study is to investigate the mediating role professional efficacy on the relationship between social support and academic burnout among females’ students in Saudi Arabian Universities. In fact, there are some studies touched this area; however, the mediating effect professional efficacy between social support and academic burnout of females’ students not been searched well. Therefore, this study is focused on addressing the burnout among females’ students by using social support and professional efficacy as predictors. This study followed the quantitative methods by using the administrated questionnaire for collecting the data. Regarding this, 298 respondents participated in the study. The Structural Equation modeling (ESM) technique (AMOS) was used for analyzing the data. The results showed that there is a negative relationship between perceived social support and academic burnout. However, social support has a positive impact on professional efficacy. Further, the results also showed that professional efficacy played a significant mediator between social support and academic burnout. Finally, the implications of this study considered as a competitive advantage for policymakers who are going to foster the findings of this study in future.


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How to Cite

Elsit Abdalla Elfadul Mukhtar , Randa Mohamed AbdElhalim Mukhtar , Engy Ahmed Abdel Ghany Mostafa , Hala Elrashied Osman Bashier , Abeer Bakri Siralkhatim Alhaj ., & Rogia Eltayb Ali Ahmed , Anjom Ahmed Osman , Mohammed Mustafa Fadul. (2024). The Mediating Role Of Professional Efficacy Between Perceived Social Support And Academic Burnout Among Females’ Students In Saudi Arabia . Migration Letters, 21(S10), 453–464. Retrieved from


