Teaching Of Spanish Language And Mathematics In Secondary Education In Colombia


  • Alexander Thomas Ramos , Elda Mavet Castro Sierra , José Ignacio Gutiérrez Silva , Alexander Farith Arenas Quintero , Jairsinio Mendoza Lozano


The teaching of Spanish language and mathematics in secondary education in Colombia is of vital importance for the integral development of students. Both disciplines provide the necessary tools for the acquisition and consolidation of communication and analytical skills. The aim of this education is to ensure that students acquire an adequate level of language competence and mathematical skills that will enable them to function in society and in their future employment. To achieve this, different teaching methodologies are employed and student progress is assessed. The role of the teacher is fundamental in this process, as their job is to guide and motivate students, as well as using teaching resources and new technologies to support them. Despite the challenges and difficulties, strategies to improve teaching are proposed, such as the inclusion of problem-solving and interdisciplinary approach. In addition, the importance of motivation, the relationship with the world of work, culture and identity, as well as the impact on the cognitive development of students is highlighted. The training of teachers in these disciplines is crucial for their effective performance, and reference is made to the relevant scientific literature. In conclusion, the teaching of Spanish language and mathematics in secondary education in Colombia has a significant impact on the integral development of students and society in general.


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How to Cite

Alexander Thomas Ramos , Elda Mavet Castro Sierra , José Ignacio Gutiérrez Silva , Alexander Farith Arenas Quintero , Jairsinio Mendoza Lozano. (2022). Teaching Of Spanish Language And Mathematics In Secondary Education In Colombia. Migration Letters, 19(S2), 1561–1569. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10487


