Identify The Causes And Constraints Contributing To Malnutrition Among Rural Women And Propose Strategies To Enhance Food Security And Reduce Malnutrition


  • Madiha Naz , Saqib Nabi , Madieha Akram , Afsheen Mansoor , Emaan Mansoor , Saima Nazir , Usman Farooq , Hafiz Ali Raza and Adeela Manzoor


Introduction: Historically, the primary concerns for global health improvement have encompassed nutrition, access to clean water, hygiene, and sanitation. Malnutrition, a multifaceted issue predominantly affecting the underprivileged, is characterized by restricted access to essential needs such as a balanced diet, adequate hygiene, sanitation, and healthcare. Objectives: The principal aim of this study is to elucidate the causes and constraints contributing to malnutrition among rural women and to propose strategic interventions to enhance food security and mitigate malnutrition. Methodology: The study population comprised rural families belonging to marginalized groups experiencing food insecurity. From a total of twenty-five union councils, two—Rahimabad and Qadarpur—were selected through a simple random sampling technique. Subsequently, two villages from each selected rural union council were randomly chosen. A comprehensive list of the respective union councils was compiled with the assistance of key informants from the villages. The interview schedule underwent pre-testing on 16 respondents within the research area to refine its final form. Necessary amendments were made based on [1]the pre-testing results. To facilitate data collection and ensure effective communication, the interview schedule was translated into Urdu. Results: The demographic characteristics of respondents, such as age, education, marital status, family type, source of income, and landholding, play significant roles in the context of malnutrition. Specifically, 22.1% of the respondents were aged between 51-65 years, while 20.7% were aged between 26-35 years. Approximately 23.9% of respondents reported constraints due to the distance of the farm from their homes, making agricultural work arduous. Additionally, 21.8%, 30.3%, 22.5%, and 24.6% of respondents identified constraints related to domestic food security challenges, lack of information regarding proper food intake, difficulties in marketing agricultural products due to insufficient marketing channels, and food shortages caused by floods, respectively.

Conclusion: The study concludes that malnutrition among rural women is a complex issue influenced by an array of interrelated factors. These include limited access to nutrient-dense foods, poor maternal health, gender inequality, and food security challenges such as insufficient agricultural resources and infrastructure. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach that targets the underlying causes to enhance food security and reduce malnutrition effectively.


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How to Cite

Madiha Naz , Saqib Nabi , Madieha Akram , Afsheen Mansoor , Emaan Mansoor , Saima Nazir , Usman Farooq , Hafiz Ali Raza and Adeela Manzoor. (2024). Identify The Causes And Constraints Contributing To Malnutrition Among Rural Women And Propose Strategies To Enhance Food Security And Reduce Malnutrition. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 337–345. Retrieved from


