The Effect Of Mass Media On Pakistani Family System. An Analyses In The Light Of Islamic Teachings


  • Dr. Tanveer Huma Ansari , Dr. Hafiz Aftab Ahmad


Islam has given special importance to the family system and has made family members bound by certain rules and regulations. The interaction and relationship of all members of the family with other members of the society is what makes the society stable as the society consists of people of every color and race. While determining the responsibilities, Allah Almighty has said that every person is responsible and his responsibilities will be investigated regarding him and his subordinates and family members.

Where modern technology has given a lot of ease to man, it has also created many difficulties, by the way, everything has some advantages and disadvantages, but the thing that is effecting the youth badly today is social media. Social media has had a very bad im[1]pact on our lives, social media has trapped today's youth and children in such a way that even if they want to escape, it is not possible, social media including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, Skype, snapchat and other such applications are included.

All these have paralyzed the human ability to think and understand. This social networking has brought people who are miles away together but people living in the same house have been cut off from each other. People living in the same house are busy with their mobile phones, laptop computers, TV etc. without knowing each other, today's young generation does not have time to sit with the elders. But Facebook and busy in other apps. There is a lot of time spent using other applications like WhatsApp and Instagram.

 The breakdown of Muslim families is partly being caused by social media. It shatters friendly ties and familial ties, causing chaos in social relationships. Finding a remedy to return things to normalcy through a proper Islamic approach that regularizes how to deal with the adverse consequences of social media in order to turn them into beneficial ones and thereby assisting both society and the individual becomes necessary as a result.

In the present study, descriptive type of research is used which describes the characteristics of a group or individuals and their perception about the social media and its effect on families.

The research is qualitative in nature. 5.1. Sources of Data Researcher has collected the primary data with youth through the structured questionnaire. Secondary data has been collected from various articles, journals, magazines.


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How to Cite

Dr. Tanveer Huma Ansari , Dr. Hafiz Aftab Ahmad. (2024). The Effect Of Mass Media On Pakistani Family System. An Analyses In The Light Of Islamic Teachings. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 310–320. Retrieved from


