Administrative Excellence For School Education Leaders In Light Of The Quality Standards Of School Leaders Of The Education Evaluation Commission In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia


  • Dr. Abeer Mahfouz Al-Medawi


The study aims to determine  the level of administrative excellence of school education leaders in the light of the  quality standards of school leaders of the Education Evaluation Commission in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to identify statistically significant differences in the average level  of administrative excellence according to variables: academic qualification, years of experience, job title, and relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and the sample consisted of (523) female teachers and administrative staff from: (Agents, Administrative Assistant) In public education schools in Abha for the academic year 1444/2023, and the data was collected by a questionnaire that included (49) indicators distributed among (6) criteria for administrative excellence: leadership and management, strategic planning, human resources, material and financial resources, processes and procedures, services provided to the comm[1]unity, and the results showed: the availability of the criterion (human resources, material and financial resources)  with medium degrees from the point of view of the sample members, and the availability of the criterion (processes and procedures) With high degrees, as for the criterion (services provided to the community)  availability in weak degrees, and  there are no differences in the total standards of quality of school leaders according to the variable of scientific qualification, job title, and the existence of differences among the sample members according to the variable of years of experience in favor of (10) years of greater experience.


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How to Cite

Al-Medawi, D. A. M. . (2024). Administrative Excellence For School Education Leaders In Light Of The Quality Standards Of School Leaders Of The Education Evaluation Commission In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. Migration Letters, 21(S9), 1488–1500. Retrieved from


