The US Role In Middle Eastern Region Under President Trump Administration


  • Dr. Adnan Nawaz , Dr. Muhammad Imran , Anza Amanullah , Marwa Riaz , Sabahat Urooj , Ziarat Ali


This study aims to analyze the US role in the Middle Eastern politics under Trump Administration that has always been important and challenging region in its foreign policy. Since the beginning of 20th century, the US became increasingly interested in the region because of its energy resources. Donald Trump, known for his outspoken nature and controversial statements, made significant changes in the US foreign policy including recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel, withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal which served as a pillar in the US foreign policy under President Obama, shift towards bilateralism and transactional diplomacy, military disengagement and troops withdrawal from various war zones and normalization of relations among Arab states. Through qualitative research design, textual and documentary analysis, the results of the study show that in order to develop strategies that are both effective and long-lasting in addressing complex geopolitical challenges in the region, policymakers should effectively tackle fundamental instability, promote inclusive peace processes, safeguard democratic values, human rights and deliver humanitarian aid to the aggrieved communities.


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How to Cite

Dr. Adnan Nawaz , Dr. Muhammad Imran , Anza Amanullah , Marwa Riaz , Sabahat Urooj , Ziarat Ali. (2024). The US Role In Middle Eastern Region Under President Trump Administration. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 165–176. Retrieved from


