The Significance Of Scientific Society Translations In The Proliferation Of Modern Sciences


  • Dr. Naila Anjum , Dr.Noreen Razzaq , Dr. Shazia Razzaq , Dr. Shabnam Niaz , Dr. Kinza Noshair


Molvi Abdul Haq's quote, 'Our words are just words, but Sir Syed takes action,' perfectly captures the essence of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan's multifaceted personality. During the colonial era, Sir Syed's efforts to empower a subjugated and downtrodden nation through politics, education, and other fields are a testament to his vision and leadership. However, his emphasis on translating Western and modern sciences, arts, and literature to modernize the nation and bring it up to date with global advancements shows his farsightedness and wisdom. The establishment of the Scientific Society, which translated numerous books on history, politics, agriculture, mathematics, and geography, highlights the importance of Sir Syed's mission to educate and enlighten the nation. These translations not only illuminated the path for future progress but also provided a roadmap for modernization. This article will highlight the significance of the Scientific Society's translations in promoting modern sciences and knowledge.


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How to Cite

Dr. Naila Anjum , Dr.Noreen Razzaq , Dr. Shazia Razzaq , Dr. Shabnam Niaz , Dr. Kinza Noshair. (2024). The Significance Of Scientific Society Translations In The Proliferation Of Modern Sciences. Migration Letters, 21(S10), 140–146. Retrieved from


