Making The Best Use Of Ads In Flipped Classroom For Improving Critical Reading Comprehension
Modern pedagogy emphasizes strongly on interactive learner-centred teaching and Flipped Method is fast becoming popular in language teaching programs. The language of ads, being rich in its ideational, interpersonal and textual meanings, offers ample resources for improving critical reading ability. This study attempts to blend these two important phenomena of modern life: Flipped Method and advertisements. Considering the richness of the ad’s language, the researcher conducted this exploratory study and showed that the analyses of the ad’s language on the three levels of Hallidayan paradigm can greatly improve learners’ critical comprehension ability. T[1]he research relies heavily on Dell Hymes’s idea of language as a social construct. The researcher’s objective was to explore how far the Critical Discourse Analyses of ad’s linguistic elements can enhance the critical reading ability of the learners if the attempt exploits the advantages of Flipped Method. The linguistic analyses of two ads on the theoretical framework of Halliday indicated that the linguistic resources are exploited dexterously to achieve the desired locution, ill-locution and perlocution and the successful readers can improve their critical skill through interactive analyses of ads.
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