Formative Assessment In Communicative Competencies Formative Evaluation In Communicative Competencies


  • Romero Aranda Monica , Zapata Romero Jackson Stewart , Zambrano Ríos María José , Talledo Mendoza Gullisa Graciela


In this article, the topic of formative evaluation is addressed in the context of communicative competencies. The main objective was to determine the effect that the Formative Evaluation program produces on the achievement of communicative competencies of second grade primary school students of a public educational institution in Tumbes 2023. For which, the population consisted of 77 students, choosing as a sample of only 29 of the total population, doing it intentionally. Likewise, this work, due to its characteristics, was experimental. In that same direction, the technique was the survey and to collect the information, the questionnaire was used as an instrument. The data collected were processed with SPSS, where a Mann Whitney U Test was obtained, p-value less than 0.05; 0.000 less than 0.05. In this sense, the result showed a highly significant influence on the achievement of communicative competencies of the students in the experimental group. For this reason, it was concluded that the application of the Formative Evaluation Program had a positive impact on the students who were part of the study sample.


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How to Cite

Romero Aranda Monica , Zapata Romero Jackson Stewart , Zambrano Ríos María José , Talledo Mendoza Gullisa Graciela. (2024). Formative Assessment In Communicative Competencies Formative Evaluation In Communicative Competencies . Migration Letters, 21(S9), 1345–1360. Retrieved from


