A Review On Mental Health Emergencies In The Emergency Department: Challenges And Opportunities


  • Ammar Saad Alahmari , Abdulaziz Mousa Mohammed Alhawsawi , Ethar Ahmad H. Boudal , Addi Hatem Almaghamsi , Mohamed Abdulrahman Altamimi , Ibrahim Sulaiman Alhajjam , Amin Abdulrahman M. Amin , Ahmad Mohamed Al-Mutairi,
  • Naji Wadi Muthir Alanazi , Zakaria Mohammed Ali Almramihi , Hayat Hassan Anas bakr , Ahmed Mohammed Kurdi , Yahia Ahmed Makbshe


This study aimed to explore the challenges and opportunities related to managing mental health emergencies in the emergency department setting. The researchers utilized secondary data from the literature to provide a comprehensive overview of this important issue. The findings highlighted several key challenges faced by healthcare providers when managing mental health emergencies in the emergency department, including resource limitations, inadequate training, stigma, and insufficient coordination of care. These challenges can lead to suboptim[1]al care and poor outcomes for patients with mental health emergencies. Despite these challenges, the study also identified opportunities for improvement in the management of mental health emergencies in the emergency department. These opportunities include implementing training programs for healthcare providers, enhancing collaboration between mental health and emergency medicine professionals, and increasing access to mental health services in the community. By addressing these challenges and leveraging these opportunities, healthcare providers can improve the quality of care provided to patients with mental health emergencies in the emergency department.


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How to Cite

Ammar Saad Alahmari , Abdulaziz Mousa Mohammed Alhawsawi , Ethar Ahmad H. Boudal , Addi Hatem Almaghamsi , Mohamed Abdulrahman Altamimi , Ibrahim Sulaiman Alhajjam , Amin Abdulrahman M. Amin , Ahmad Mohamed Al-Mutairi, & Naji Wadi Muthir Alanazi , Zakaria Mohammed Ali Almramihi , Hayat Hassan Anas bakr , Ahmed Mohammed Kurdi , Yahia Ahmed Makbshe. (2022). A Review On Mental Health Emergencies In The Emergency Department: Challenges And Opportunities. Migration Letters, 19(S2), 1443–1452. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10314


