Epidemiological Surveillance Systems In The Digital Age: A Review Of Innovations And Applications


  • Hussam Muidh Saad Althagafi , Emad Mansour Alharbi , Eman Abdulrahman Alhumaidi , Abdullah Abdulaziz alshayb , Khulud Abdullah Alarifi , Ghadah Abdullah Saad Alsunbol,
  • Esam Ali Aldomari , Nawaf Ahmed Hajaji , Abdulmalik Abdulaziz M Aldehishi , Mohammed Abdulrahman M aldeailej , Yasir Atiah H Allihiebi , Ali Alhusein Alhumaidi


Digital transformation has revolutionized epidemiological surveillance systems, providing new opportunities for data collection, analysis, and dissemination. This study aims to review the innovations and applications of digital technologies in epidemiological surveillance systems. The study utilized secondary data obtained from academic journals, conference papers, and reports on epidemiological surveillance systems. The analysis focused on the use of digital technologies such as mobile health applications, electronic health records, social media, and big data analytics in epidemiological surveillance. The findings suggest that digital technologies have enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of epidemiological surveillance systems by enabling real-time data collection, analysis, and visualization. Mobile health applications have facilita[1]ted the collection of individual health data, leading to improved disease tracking and monitoring. Electronic health records have streamlined data sharing among healthcare providers and public health agencies, enabling better coordination in disease surveillance. Social media and big data analytics have also played a crucial role in detecting and monitoring disease outbreaks by analyzing social media posts and online search queries. These technologies have proven to be valuable tools for early warning systems and rapid response to public health emergencies. Overall, the study highlights the importance of digital technologies in modernizing epidemiological surveillance systems and improving public health outcomes. More studies are necessary to explore the full potential of these innovations in enhancing disease surveillance and response efforts.


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How to Cite

Hussam Muidh Saad Althagafi , Emad Mansour Alharbi , Eman Abdulrahman Alhumaidi , Abdullah Abdulaziz alshayb , Khulud Abdullah Alarifi , Ghadah Abdullah Saad Alsunbol, & Esam Ali Aldomari , Nawaf Ahmed Hajaji , Abdulmalik Abdulaziz M Aldehishi , Mohammed Abdulrahman M aldeailej , Yasir Atiah H Allihiebi , Ali Alhusein Alhumaidi. (2022). Epidemiological Surveillance Systems In The Digital Age: A Review Of Innovations And Applications. Migration Letters, 19(S2), 1037–1047. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/10211


