The Impact Of Anesthetization On Surgical Outcomes: A Review Of The Literature


  • Mahmoud Karem Althagafi , Abdullatif Ahmad Abdullatif Maimny , Abdulaziz Ibrahim Abdulaziz Alsaab , Abdulelah Hablb Alshabihi , Ryyan Saad Abdullah Albarakati Alshareef
  • Abdullah Fahad Abdullah Albahli , Ali Bashir Ali Algahtani , Saud atia aljohani , Ahmad Mosa Mohmad Alribi , Matuq Saif Hassan Mohommed , Abdullah Saad Mansour Abo Maleh


Anesthesia is a critical component of surgical procedures, but its impact on surgical outcomes is a topic of ongoing debate in the medical community. This study aimed to review the existing literature on the impact of anesthetization on surgical outcomes by analyzing secondary data from a range of studies. The research focused on the effects of various types of anesthesia, including general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, and local anesthesia, on key indicators such as postoperative complications, length of hospital stay, and patient mortality. The analysis revealed conflicting find[1]ings regarding the impact of anesthesia on surgical outcomes, with some studies suggesting that certain types of anesthesia may be associated with better outcomes, while others found no significant difference. Factors such as patient age, comorbidities, and surgical complexity were also shown to influence the relationship between anesthesia and surgical outcomes. In general, the review emphasizes the need for additional investigation to better understand the multifaceted association between anesthesia and surgical outcomes. By examining the existing literature on this topic, this study provides valuable insights that can inform clinical practice and help improve patient outcomes in surgical settings.


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How to Cite

Mahmoud Karem Althagafi , Abdullatif Ahmad Abdullatif Maimny , Abdulaziz Ibrahim Abdulaziz Alsaab , Abdulelah Hablb Alshabihi , Ryyan Saad Abdullah Albarakati Alshareef, & Abdullah Fahad Abdullah Albahli , Ali Bashir Ali Algahtani , Saud atia aljohani , Ahmad Mosa Mohmad Alribi , Matuq Saif Hassan Mohommed , Abdullah Saad Mansour Abo Maleh. (2022). The Impact Of Anesthetization On Surgical Outcomes: A Review Of The Literature. Migration Letters, 19(S5), 1130–1141. Retrieved from


